Introducing our Protecting and Healing Organic Paw Balm!

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Your dog’s paws go through a lot! While we humans almost always wear shoes to keep our feet protected from the elements, our dogs’ paw pads have to stand up to concrete, dirt, sand, debris, and high temperatures, just to name a few. That’s why it’s so important to keep your dog’s paws clean and healthy - after all, a sore paw or infection will keep them from walking, playing, and doing all the things they love most in life!

That’s why we’ve developed an organic paw balm. We used all-natural ingredients to create a soothing, protective salve that keeps your dog comfortable and ready to go. We included ingredients with some really great benefits: 

  • Coconut oil and olive oil: responsibly sourced oils are the main soothing ingredients in our salve. Did you know that coconut oil has been recognized as a natural antibacterial? Rubbing this on your dog’s paws will help keep any cuts and scratches from getting infected while keeping those toes comfy. It’ll help soothe itching and rubbing!!

  • Shea butter: you’ve probably seen shea butter listed in some of your lotions and shower gels. It’s a great softening agent for your dogs’ skin, too! It does offer some natural sun protectant properties, and while the bottoms of your dogs’ paws probably aren’t getting a lot of sun exposure, this makes it a great option for irritated elbows and scaly patches. It’s soothing enough that it can help stop biting and scratching of irritated areas!

  • Calendula: this is a super helpful medicinal flower, commonly known as the marigold! For centuries, people have turned to calendula to soothe irritation, relieve pain, and reduce inflammation and pain. It’s still proven as an effective healer and protector for dog and human skin alike! It’s great when it comes to promoting wound healing and has been a noted helper for many pet owners. 

Our paw balm is great for dogs that live in any climate! With the winter coming up, your dogs’ feet may be exposed to cold pavement, snow, and salt, depending on where you’re located. Dip their paws in our paw balm before your next walk to keep them comfortable and protected from debris! To learn more, join our Facebook group, Pawsitively Pure Living for Dogs. Join the conversation on healthy, organic living for dogs!