6 Energy-Boosting Ingredients for Active Dogs

Canine Fitness Starts with a Healthy Diet

Dogs are active creatures by nature. While we may witness them snoozing throughout the day at home, they really come alive when they get the chance to run, fetch, swim, chase, and play! Healthy activity–both physical and mental–is an important component of your dog’s overall fitness, and your dog needs a dose of healthy energy to make the most of their activity time.

April is Canine Fitness Month, and it’s a great time to make sure your dog is getting the fuel they need to lead an active lifestyle. Just like you need healthy foods to prepare for a gym session or sporting event, your dog needs a healthy, balanced diet before an intensive training session or a long walk on the trails.If you’re ready to help your furry friend get fit, try incorporating a few of these items in their diets.

Natural Ingredients for Extra Energy

Ready to see your dog’s energy levels get a healthy boost? Switch to human-grade food! Natural dog foods have shown increased nutrient absorption compared to kibble, giving your dog better access to energy-boosting vitamins and minerals. Below are a few all-natural ingredients you can find in Pawsitively Pure dog food and treats that give your dog the energy they need to perform their best. 

Real Meat

Kibble is processed, which means that the basic proteins are destroyed as they’re stabilized and prepared to be stocked on shelves. Real meat, on the other hand, offers proteins that are easy to access for your dog, helping them stay lean and limber to support their activity levels. Proteins are the building blocks of all the cells in the body and go on to build muscles, joints, skin, coat, and beyond. Consistent access to whole, healthy proteins can make a huge difference in your dog’s overall wellness.


Blueberries are tasty, healthy, easy-to-feed snacks that are packed with antioxidants, as well as vitamins C and K. These powerhouse nutrients help support your dog’s immune system and boost heart and brain function. Adding blueberries (perhaps in the form of our all-natural blueberry and oat treats) to your dog’s diet can keep them protected from illness and fully functional so that they can play for longer.


Carrots are crunchy, delicious, and a perfect low-calorie snack for any pup. These root vegetables have lots of vitamin A, which helps protect your dog’s vision and boosts their night sight. Additionally, carrots are high in dietary fiber to help support healthy bowel movements and overall gut health. Carrots are a great anytime treat, raw or cooked!

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are known as superfoods for humans, and they offer just as many benefits for your dogs! Delicious sweet potato is chock-full of beta-carotene, which helps reduce your dog’s risk of cancer, obesity, and heart disease. This nutritional powerhouse is a key ingredient in each flavor of our all-natural, gently cooked dog food.

A Balance of Quality Protein and Carbohydrates

It’s so important to make sure your dog’s daily meals are nutritionally balanced. This means ensuring that they’re getting adequate amounts of high-quality protein and appropriate levels of wholesome carbohydrates. While kibble tends to have lower-quality proteins paired with excessive filler, all-natural food offers a more balanced diet for better quality of life.

Fresh Water

Did you know that one of the top signs of dehydration is lethargy? Here in Central Florida, the weather tends to be hot for at least 9 months of the year. Giving your dog constant access to clean, cool water is crucial for their overall wellness. Be sure to bring a portable drinking bowl if you plan to be outdoors for more than half an hour!

Canine Fitness is Fundamental

Keeping your dog fit and active benefits them in myriad ways.

Boosts Mental Health

Exercise is good for your dog from snout to tail, and that includes their brain! Playing fetch, swimming, and even going for a walk are great ways to stimulate your dog’s brain and keep them cognitively sharp. Puzzle toys and agility courses are great options to give your dog both mental and physical workouts. 

Helps You Bond

Every walk and play session is a great opportunity to bond with your dog. Whether you’re practicing commands as you walk or simply offering belly rubs after a game of fetch, you and your dog get to have fun and build trust in one another. A stronger bond means your dog is more likely to listen to your commands and is more comfortable following your lead.

Confidence and Socialization

There’s a good chance your activity with your dog will bring you in contact with other dogs. Whether you’re at a dog park or on a trail, safely encountering other dogs is a great opportunity to help your dog learn to socialize and build their confidence around other animals. Always be sure you have express permission from the other dog’s owner before approaching for a socializing session. 

Keeps Joints Healthy

According to VCA Hospitals, “keeping joints in motion improves their function.” A sedentary lifestyle can lead to achy, stiff joints for your dog, so it’s important to take them for regular walks and outings to make sure they can stay active well throughout their senior years. Additionally, a balanced, natural diet can help your dog maintain a healthy weight so there’s less stress on their joints overall.

Enjoy Canine Fun and Fitness Year-Round

Canine fitness starts with a healthy diet! This month is a great time to rethink your dog’s diet and give their energy levels a much-needed boost. Human-grade, natural dog food offers the quality proteins and real vegetables they need to live active lives. Shop on our website now, or call (407) 450-6151 to learn more.

Lex Burton