Posts tagged quarantine
Soothing Separation Anxiety During Quarantine

To say that lots of aspects of our lives have changed during quarantine would be the biggest understatement of 2020. For months, school students learned at home instead of going to their campuses, and many workers transitioned to working from home, as well. Of course, our dogs appreciate all of the extra time and attention we can spend on them while we’re cooped up at home, but you may have noticed that this extra attention has developed into a problem: separation anxiety.

What is separation anxiety? It’s your pet’s feelings of distress when his or her owner isn’t home, according to the New York Times. If you’ve ever returned home to a torn-up couch cushion or noticed that your dog excessively “marks his territory” when you’re not around, you’re probably seeing the signs of separation anxiety firsthand. But one of the reasons why it’s so hard to correct is because these behaviors occur when you’re not around. 

Here are a few things to try to help your dog regain confidence when you head back to work or school:

Give your dog puzzle toys and “active” toys

Toys that give your dog a challenge, like Kong toys, help keep your dog occupied in a positive pursuit while you’re away. As you may have heard in your last training session, dogs are at their best behavior when they have a “job” to carry out. So if your dog’s job is to free the tasty treats from their Kong toy, they’ll be less likely to chew on other things in the house. 

Take brief breaks outside by yourself

Your dog is probably excited about all the extra walks you’ve been taking together, but now they expect to go on a walk every time you leave. Allow them to get used to being by themselves in small increments by taking 15-minute breaks outside while they stay in the house. This helps your dogs understand that you’re not leaving forever when you walk away. Gradually increase the length of time you spend outside the house until you know they’ll be comfortable with a full work day alone.

Fill your dog’s space with soothing items, and try calming aids

Changes in routine can be stressful for everyone--animals and humans alike! Calming aids like pheromone sprays and chewables can help your dog relax instead of giving into their anxieties. Additionally, leave a few well-worn articles of your clothing in their sleeping and napping spaces so they’ll be soothed by your scent all day.

Quarantine has been hard on everyone, including our dogs! They deserve a treat. Browse our shop to order delicious, wholesome, gluten-free treats in a handful of craveable flavors. Give us a call to learn more!